佛历二五二五年﹝西元1982年﹞,法身基金会及国际佛教社团举办了第一次的佛学联考,称为"前进之道"。此计画是由法胜法师──法身寺住持、法身基金会主席所提倡的。他希望让成年人与青少年有机会学习佛法,用佛法来教导自己过正当的生活,既具有世俗的知识又具有道德,能够发展自我并且促使社会及国家更加繁荣与昌盛。 由于这样的因缘,泰国大学生与佛学社的成员在佛历2525年﹝西元1982年﹞集合起来举办了第一次佛学联考,名为"前进之道"。内容包括了三十八项吉祥的生活方式,应试者共计382人。此后每年报考佛学联考的在籍学生人数逐渐增加,从百到千,从千到万,甚至百万。到了佛历2541年﹝西元1998年﹞,参与此活动的人数便高达4,732,291人,他们分别来自泰国国内的19,839所学校。
Back To A Young Lady Again
I am a staff of Thai Airways. My husband is a flight captain. We have a chance to accrue all merits with Luang Phaw for twenty-three years. The heart’s valve was treated from leaking, and even the doctor was surprised. I currently feel very fresh and ready to work non-stop, and I feel like I am young again.
Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants (6-3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twenty:- Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants.
What Should Parents Do When Their Children Do Not Get Along?
Here is a true story for parents who have not yet begun creating harmony in their families
I can’t stress this enough . . . no, really, I can’t
สำนักข่าว NNN ออนไลน์ของมาเลเซียเผยแพร่ภาพข่าวธุดงค์ธรรมชัยปีที่ 4
สำนักข่าว NNN ออนไลน์ของมาเลเซียได้เผยแพร่ภาพข่าวธุดงค์ธรรมชัยปีที่ 4 ซึ่งถ่ายทอดเป็นภาษา อังกฤษ สเปน และอาหรับ
Son Must Not Receive Heritage
He was born with a scar on the left chest. When everyone in the family saw the scar, they suddenly knew that he was reborn from the previous life but did not know whom. When he saw my uncle and my aunt, he called them father and mother. No one believed that he was my uncle and aunt’s son that was reborn.
What is an appropriate Area and Location
An appropriate area and location means a good environment that is not poisonous (non-toxic) to either physical and/or mental health
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our husband or wife (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Thirteen :- Cherishing our husband or wife.
Dhammakaya Temple Arranged the Death Anniversary of the Master Nun
Dhammakaya Temple Arranged the Death Anniversary of the Master Nun Chand Khonnokyoong on September 10th, 2013